Sunday, December 27, 2009

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Oliver is getting excited for Christmas - at least he sees colours and lights and the tree. He wants everything under it too, but then again he wants everything all the time these days anyway.  Only three more sleeps . . .

Saturday, December 5, 2009

The hair!

Since he actually starting growing some, there has been much discussion over Oliver's hair.  After some research, and digging in the archives, we have deduced that it is a perfect blend of Cristin and Nick's when they were his age.

Exhibit A- Colour: baby Cristin

Exhibit B - Style: baby Nick

So lay your wagers, will it end up blonde like his mom or dark like his dad?

The blue ball

Leap Frog Fun

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Olympic Oliver

Although the Olympics are still a few months away, Oliver was getting into the Olympic spirit and practicing cheering for the gold!