Sunday, February 28, 2010
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Daddy Day Care - the home stretch
Oliver has decided to make the last days of Daddy Day Care interesting. He's definitely become more demanding and isn't feeling his best these days. Add to that his mobility and mischief and he's a bit of a handful. Hopefully he'll be all better by the time we plunk him in Daycare. Maybe last night's shenanigans were protesting the end of the hockey game that was to come. These babies seem tuned into the universe, at least the collective mood.
He does love the snow though. We're going to get him out in that sled until all that white stuff melts. And cram as many makeup classes into this last week as possible. You best be ready, wee man.
He does love the snow though. We're going to get him out in that sled until all that white stuff melts. And cram as many makeup classes into this last week as possible. You best be ready, wee man.
Friday, February 26, 2010
Daddy Day Care - The countdown begins
Next week is the final week of Daddy Day Care. Then the munchkin is handed over to the professionals. That snuck up fast.
One last week of Gymboree and Rainbow Songs. We never did make it to any swimming lessons (conflicted with naptime) so we wont miss those. Playdates with the mommies group will have to move to weekends. I think he'll like hanging out with the other kids though. He is getting really big, and mobile, and vocal. He has more hair on his head (although he could do with a little more insulation, especially since he'll lose it all by 40) even if it tends to stick up like Alfalfa. This week he has perfected his new "monkey mischief" smile. A toothy, eyes-closed grin, he unleashes it when he's about to monkey about. Sort of an early warning system. Not that I can keep up with him. Speaker wires, the router and dirty shoes and stroller wheels seem to be his preferred ruckus. Now that the bookshelves contain only his books, he has free reign there. Ditto on the tupperware cupboard and his dedicated cell phone and remote control.
Well he must be feeling better today since morning nap is over particularly early. Since winter has returned to the Tdot, we are going to try out the sled he got for Christmas. Stay tuned for pictures and a recap of his thoughts and opinions on Canadian winter weather. I know Mommy is hoping for another advocate of living in warmer climes.
This evening we will settle in and watch the next "big game" and of course the little man is already suitably attired in his Team Canada (HBC TM) uniform.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Big News
The really big news (that I was holding off posting until I got a picture, but that will have to wait) is the arrival of Oliver's little cousin Chase Willem Napier Hartlen on Monday, Feb 22. Little Chase and family are doing well. Brody and Ryder are excited to have a new little brother and given how much Oliver loves his older cousins, I think he will adore Chase too.
Congrats Hartlen family! And we'll get a picture of Chase up here pronto.
Congrats Hartlen family! And we'll get a picture of Chase up here pronto.
Big Game
Big Game last night and big day at the Games. Congratulations Canada on 4 medals and advancing in hockey! Looking forward to gold in women's hockey tonight and more great performances by our athletes!
Go Canada Go!
Go Canada Go!
Big Weekend
Today is Thursday, so it's about time that I get around to writing about the big weekend that just passed. It's all a bit of a blur, but to sum up: Grandpa Cheese was visiting, we went to Maia's first birthday party, and Oliver learned a bunch of new tricks.
Some photographic evidence (of the birthday party at least):
Some photographic evidence (of the birthday party at least):
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Well Dad thought the big game was tonight. Oooops. Looks like it is tomorrow. How could I be so wrong? Maybe I can blame CTV's coverage. It is terrible after all. I might switch to NBC or just watch CBC in protest.
Either way I'm keeping myself from making that error again. And for the faithful that follow this blog, you can stay on the ball too. Voila, the Olympic Ice Hockey schedule and results:
It's not like the Oilers are going to bring any glory any time soon.
Either way I'm keeping myself from making that error again. And for the faithful that follow this blog, you can stay on the ball too. Voila, the Olympic Ice Hockey schedule and results:
It's not like the Oilers are going to bring any glory any time soon.
Daddy Day Care - the countdown
Well, it is starting to hit me. Only two weeks of Daddy Day Care remain. Then the little guy has real Day Care to attend. One week of "transition" and then he's on his own. Not sure the daycare workers will tolerate the shenanigans that have transpired this weekend.
The lows from this week: cancelled classes and refusing to nap. The highs: new moves including the bum-scooch and getting up to his knees. Next stop standing. All this activity should tire him out as much as it does his Dad. Nap well, little one, nap well. Just pretend it is an Olympic sport and you are going for gold!
The lows from this week: cancelled classes and refusing to nap. The highs: new moves including the bum-scooch and getting up to his knees. Next stop standing. All this activity should tire him out as much as it does his Dad. Nap well, little one, nap well. Just pretend it is an Olympic sport and you are going for gold!
Precious Medals
We are following the Olympics. Yay Jon Montgomery! The little guy actually stayed up almost late enough to watch the winning run. Little monkey. And no, you will not become a Skeleton athlete.
Friday, February 19, 2010
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Daddy Day Care - Day after yesterday, otherwise known as today
A day with one longish nap and one quite short one with some busy spurts in between. The highlight for today was after having run all our errands we had enough time to stop for coffee and lunch at the One in the Only. Great little coffee shop and the little man digs it too. (Dad prefers with the Only side, the side with 186 different beers in the fridge). He loved the staff and they got a kick out of him. He's always the most charming for others. Smart move really. Only later did Dad realize that not quite all the errands had been run. Missed picking up a few ingredients for dinner. Mommy may not be pleased.
Despite lots of fun, there were some unhappy moments today too. One was honestly Daddy's fault (the facebonk), but some of the origins of the others remain shrouded in mystery.
Grandpa Cheese and Auntie Kate arrive for a visit tonight so there is lots of fun in store for the next few days too.
Despite lots of fun, there were some unhappy moments today too. One was honestly Daddy's fault (the facebonk), but some of the origins of the others remain shrouded in mystery.
Grandpa Cheese and Auntie Kate arrive for a visit tonight so there is lots of fun in store for the next few days too.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Daddy Day Care - yesterday
So we were back from Ottawa and it was a busy day in Toronto. Some errands to run, Gymboree to attend, and lots of crawling to be done. Not to mention the requisite mischief. Latest trick: pulling on the curtains. He knows he's not allowed to do it too. His little face gives it away.
All the activity made for a tired little guy, so naps were good. Too bad the weather was delaying the Olympics. Would have been a great chance for Dad to watch. Either way, we did see Maelle win her gold! And Dad caught the third period of the hockey after his Dodgeball game. Don't knock it. The Money Shots (our team) are first in our league (ok so it is Tuesday, B League, Rec Division, but we still havent lost this season (knock on wood)).
Go Canada Go!
All the activity made for a tired little guy, so naps were good. Too bad the weather was delaying the Olympics. Would have been a great chance for Dad to watch. Either way, we did see Maelle win her gold! And Dad caught the third period of the hockey after his Dodgeball game. Don't knock it. The Money Shots (our team) are first in our league (ok so it is Tuesday, B League, Rec Division, but we still havent lost this season (knock on wood)).
Go Canada Go!
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Friday, February 12, 2010
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Daddy Day Care - Day I've lost count
So Daddy is a bit tired. This week has seen the highs and lows of Daddy Day Care.
Tuesday sucked.
Today, Thursday was great.
Tuesday he was miserable, today he was the happiest clam. The most successful Rainbow Songs yet - it was animal day! Oliver got to bring Alocious the Alligator and all the songs were about animals. There were sharks, and monkeys, and octopi, and roosters, and donkeys, and more. It was great. Dad liked the songs too - especially the Donkey Riding!
Following a beautiful walk down to Little Bean (thank you sun for coming out!) and it was time to play with friends. Oliver showed off his newfound mobility. His little buddy Danny does the commando crawl too! The advantage at Little Bean is that he is actually allowed to get into everything, even if he doesn't know it. And therein lies the trick. Dad pulled that one this morning too when he got into the tupperware cupboard. Much better than the router (although those little blinking lights are pretty cool).
These meet-ups are useful not only to entertain and tire out the little monkeys, but for parents to conspire, apply their brainpower and attempt to solve the most recent challenges. Each week we come away with new strategems, sneaky tactics, and best laid plans.
Since Oliver was having so much fun with his little posse down at Little Bean, Dad pushed it and we are just going down for nap now. Worth it? I think so. We will see how grouchy he is tonight.
All in all it is good to see him pretty much over his cold (although Dad might be catching it now) and to get busy again. Just in time for his trip to Ottawa. Stay tuned to see how the car ride goes.
Tuesday sucked.
Today, Thursday was great.
Tuesday he was miserable, today he was the happiest clam. The most successful Rainbow Songs yet - it was animal day! Oliver got to bring Alocious the Alligator and all the songs were about animals. There were sharks, and monkeys, and octopi, and roosters, and donkeys, and more. It was great. Dad liked the songs too - especially the Donkey Riding!
Following a beautiful walk down to Little Bean (thank you sun for coming out!) and it was time to play with friends. Oliver showed off his newfound mobility. His little buddy Danny does the commando crawl too! The advantage at Little Bean is that he is actually allowed to get into everything, even if he doesn't know it. And therein lies the trick. Dad pulled that one this morning too when he got into the tupperware cupboard. Much better than the router (although those little blinking lights are pretty cool).
These meet-ups are useful not only to entertain and tire out the little monkeys, but for parents to conspire, apply their brainpower and attempt to solve the most recent challenges. Each week we come away with new strategems, sneaky tactics, and best laid plans.
Since Oliver was having so much fun with his little posse down at Little Bean, Dad pushed it and we are just going down for nap now. Worth it? I think so. We will see how grouchy he is tonight.
All in all it is good to see him pretty much over his cold (although Dad might be catching it now) and to get busy again. Just in time for his trip to Ottawa. Stay tuned to see how the car ride goes.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Daddy Day Care
Definitely getting later on the posts. There wasnt too much to recommend an early posting based on yesterday anyway. The highlights - he turned 10 months old. The lowlights - the cold that he's been fighting. Regardless to say he is much better today. Fewer "greeners", less crying, more monkeying about.
Today he has discovered the kitchen (and the mat by the backdoor). He's a quick little guy too - even if his chosen method of travel is the inchworm. Still keeps Dad chasing him around. I'm not really sure if getting into the recycling is better than the speaker cables, or the modem, or the bookshelves, or his parents' shoes. At least not everything is going in his mouth. Wait, there's Dad's slippers. Who knew they tasted so good. Oh and now the swiffer. I'm going to have to do the rest of this later . . . .
Today he has discovered the kitchen (and the mat by the backdoor). He's a quick little guy too - even if his chosen method of travel is the inchworm. Still keeps Dad chasing him around. I'm not really sure if getting into the recycling is better than the speaker cables, or the modem, or the bookshelves, or his parents' shoes. At least not everything is going in his mouth. Wait, there's Dad's slippers. Who knew they tasted so good. Oh and now the swiffer. I'm going to have to do the rest of this later . . . .
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Daddy Day Care - Days 26
I'm slipping. Instead of evenings posts, I'm down to first morning nap the next day. Well things are a bit slower this week at DDC anyway. The little guy has a cold. He's a bit of a mookums with his runny nose and red-rimmed eyes. So we're skipping Gymboree today. We'll get out for a walk (and likely stop at Shopper's and the library), but staying chill and focussing on getting better are the priorities.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Daddy Day Care - Days 25
Five weeks of Daddy Day Care. We are at the halfway point. Looking back at videos of the wee man shows just how much he has changed!
He's totally mobile now. It's a whole new world of making sure things are actually out of reach. Not sure why the stereo cables have such a powerful attraction. Ditto for vents and dad's shoes.
The new favourite game (apart from banging on the empty yoghurt container - best toy ever!) is to put things through the babygate and throw them down the stairs. There is always something new and wonderful to trip daddy as he struggles with a load of laundry. Hilarious.
Well, he's awake. I better make sure the gate is closed, the sockets are plugged and everything is put away. That kid is quick!
He's totally mobile now. It's a whole new world of making sure things are actually out of reach. Not sure why the stereo cables have such a powerful attraction. Ditto for vents and dad's shoes.
The new favourite game (apart from banging on the empty yoghurt container - best toy ever!) is to put things through the babygate and throw them down the stairs. There is always something new and wonderful to trip daddy as he struggles with a load of laundry. Hilarious.
Well, he's awake. I better make sure the gate is closed, the sockets are plugged and everything is put away. That kid is quick!
Friday, February 5, 2010
Daddy Day Care - Days 24
Bit late in posting. The suspense must be killing you!
Busy day yesterday. We had a small victory as there was no crying at all at Rainbow Songs. With a successful music class in the bag, it was off to Mommies' Group. Dad thinks he did fairly well surrounded by that many babies and mommies.
Going to have to cut this post short. Oliver doesn't really feel like napping. He does want to type though. Take it away little guy:
hgg tn3c ≥ gy6uvytvlk7yvtit7,6v,ty6fghhk.v,flv57mg vbmmmmmmmmmmmmmm .bc xbgt kuyyyyyyyg /.i..............komm hb myu8u7jbn,L;K/Lº≥–/.T VVVV7BGTJHM ?BMKJJJJıLOP?R CVOK≥≥≥≥≥≥≥≥≥≥≥≥≥≥≥≥≥≥≥≥≥≥≥BL,JT≥
Busy day yesterday. We had a small victory as there was no crying at all at Rainbow Songs. With a successful music class in the bag, it was off to Mommies' Group. Dad thinks he did fairly well surrounded by that many babies and mommies.
Going to have to cut this post short. Oliver doesn't really feel like napping. He does want to type though. Take it away little guy:
hgg tn3c ≥ gy6uvytvlk7yvtit7,6v,ty6fghhk.v,flv57mg vbmmmmmmmmmmmmmm .bc xbgt kuyyyyyyyg /.i..............komm hb myu8u7jbn,L;K/Lº≥–/.T VVVV7BGTJHM ?BMKJJJJıLOP?R CVOK≥≥≥≥≥≥≥≥≥≥≥≥≥≥≥≥≥≥≥≥≥≥≥BL,JT≥
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Daddy Day Care - Days 23
Well three days into our second month of Daddy Day Care, and Dad hasn't broken the little one yet. Today Oliver had his first Gymboree Music Class. And just like the first time at Gymboree, and at Rainbow Songs, and the second times for that matter, he cried. New surroundings, new activities and he was suspicious. He warmed up quickly though, even if it was "Diva Day" - sing it sista! It was also essentially a private class. None of the other registered kids made it. Something about a nasty cold going around. So there was Dad and Oliver dancing and singing to Diana Ross, Shania Twain and Judy Garland. Good thing Gymboree has one glass wall so all the passing shoppers can have a good giggle. He's definitely being a funny monkey these days though.
Next stop was the sewing store. Dad needed craft supplies! Has this gone too far? At least Oliver got a "tag blankie" out of it. Well a very rudimentary and wonky tag blankie. Next do we dare try to make some clothes? I can hear him saying in 20 years "Dad those clothes you made me were not cool. I was laughed at for years." And there I was, being Crafty Daddy! He seemed to like the blankie though.
Dad also entertained himself earlier in the week by making bowls out of old records. Amazing what nap time and the desire to avoid doing chores can combine and produce. Dr. Frankenstein just needed the right conditions! Anyone need any last minute Valentine's Day gifts? I'm sure I could pump out a bunch more!
Next stop was the sewing store. Dad needed craft supplies! Has this gone too far? At least Oliver got a "tag blankie" out of it. Well a very rudimentary and wonky tag blankie. Next do we dare try to make some clothes? I can hear him saying in 20 years "Dad those clothes you made me were not cool. I was laughed at for years." And there I was, being Crafty Daddy! He seemed to like the blankie though.
Dad also entertained himself earlier in the week by making bowls out of old records. Amazing what nap time and the desire to avoid doing chores can combine and produce. Dr. Frankenstein just needed the right conditions! Anyone need any last minute Valentine's Day gifts? I'm sure I could pump out a bunch more!
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Daddy Day Care - Days 20-22
I must apologize to my dutiful readers (all two of you). Daddy Day Care updates have been awol for the last few days. Blame iMovie. Instead of listening to me ramble you now get moving pictures (!) with music (!) - very exciting.
As you can see from the videos, the little guy is doing great. Four weeks into DDC, we are definitely fairly sorted in terms of routine. A couple of classes, a couple of outings, some playdates, the odd coffee. Lots of eating, napping, playing and learning. All in all it's a pretty good time. I'm determined to enjoy the rest of it just as much - we only have just over a month left.
So now that the routine is sorted, we're gonna go and mix it up. We have some big plans for February. A trip to Ottawa is in the cards and so is a visit from Grandpa Cheese. We're also going to do a lot more swimming and see what othermischief activities we can get into.
Anyway, the monkey didn't see his shadow today so winter should be pretty much done and dusted. Hopefully we'll have a chance to introduce him to some real winter and the fun that goes with snowmen, snowballs and hot chocolate by the fire before it's completely over. Ottawa should give us a dose of good old Great White North, even if Toronto has been lacking this year.
As you can see from the videos, the little guy is doing great. Four weeks into DDC, we are definitely fairly sorted in terms of routine. A couple of classes, a couple of outings, some playdates, the odd coffee. Lots of eating, napping, playing and learning. All in all it's a pretty good time. I'm determined to enjoy the rest of it just as much - we only have just over a month left.
So now that the routine is sorted, we're gonna go and mix it up. We have some big plans for February. A trip to Ottawa is in the cards and so is a visit from Grandpa Cheese. We're also going to do a lot more swimming and see what other
Anyway, the monkey didn't see his shadow today so winter should be pretty much done and dusted. Hopefully we'll have a chance to introduce him to some real winter and the fun that goes with snowmen, snowballs and hot chocolate by the fire before it's completely over. Ottawa should give us a dose of good old Great White North, even if Toronto has been lacking this year.
Monday, February 1, 2010
Weekend of Wonder
So this weekend was far too busy to post much here. The little guy had an amazing weekend! He's pretty much completely mobile. He's not truly crawling but he can definitely get himself wherever he wants, both forwards and backwards with the odd 360 thrown in for kicks. He also perfected his clapping and went swimming for the first time. It did take him a little while to warm up to the swimming, but then he loved it.
He's also become a bit of a bookworm. He simply loves his books:
Add to all that his ravenous appetite and it has been quite a weekend! I can't wait to see what the week has in store.
He's also become a bit of a bookworm. He simply loves his books:
Add to all that his ravenous appetite and it has been quite a weekend! I can't wait to see what the week has in store.
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