Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!

And this sums up Halloween this year:

1 part awesome, 1 part exhausted.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Help Us Level The Field


So simple. So fundamental. So joyous.

Play is one of the most important parts of learning. Games and play teach essential life skills. Children have the right to play.

Right To Play is a global organization that uses the transformative power of play - particularly sports and games - to educate and empower children facing adversity.

There are millions of children around the world who aren't able to play. Here's where we come in. We're going to help spread the word.

Hayley Wickenheiser - Right To Play Athlete Ambassador
CanaDad is teaming up with Hayley Wickenheiser (yes that one, you know four time Olympic medalist, generally regarded the best female hockey player ever) to get the word out about how Right To Play empowers youth in Benin.

In Benin, children and youth have little to no access to education and sexual health programs, which has led to high rates of serious children's rights violations across the country. Right To Play works in Benin to help both children and parents understand their children's rights as well as raise awareness and prevention methods within their communities.

Over the next few weeks, Right To Play, Hayley and I are going to be spreading the word about Right To Play's We Empower Youth program in Benin. At the same time, in the spirit of some healthy competition, some other parental blogs paired with other amazing Canadian athletes will be doing the same with some other Right To Play projects.
So now comes the fun part. Time to head on over to the Level The Field Facebook page, learn more about these other programs and cast your vote. By voting on the project you want to see in action, you'll become eligible to go the field with the corresponding Athlete Ambassador and see Right To Play's work in action.  

Be sure to check back soon for more as we work with Hayley to further the great work of Right To Play and Level The Field.

When Children Play, The World Wins.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Leafs Nation

The baby is in poor form tonight, showing little sign of improvement. So I put him in this outfit.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

4 months!

I can't believe we've been a family of four for four months now, of course that labour thing seems like a really long time ago.

Happy 4 months pumpkin man!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Yes, your honour

I used to think it was bad negotiating with the wee man. I could always feel the ground shifting from under me as we went further down the proverbial slope of little traction. I would think back to my leadership training, but sadly those lessons about framing the debate, identifying your BATNA, and working towards a common goal seemed always out of reach. Then there was that little voice always reminding me that you never negotiate with terrorists.

I should have listened.

These days I long for a negotiation. Then at least there would be some give and take. Instead I'm stuck on the losing end of my last appeal facing an expertly argued brief.  He's argued the facts, argued the law, and he sure as hell has banged on the table.

This kid is going to be a damn good lawyer. At least I don't have to worry about my retirement anymore.