After a ridiculously mild winter and with unseasonalby high temperatures, Dad thought it was time to replace the winter tires, so off to the dealership we zipped. I played the "potentially cranky baby" card and poof, we moved to the front of the queue. Well, at least it only took an hour instead of two. Downside was we didn't get the car washed. I'm waiting for the witty neighbourhood youth to inscribe "clean me" in the dirt and dust.
Car service accomplished, our next stop of the day was the trek out to Costco. There is a lot of stuff in Costco. Yes, that is the whole point of the place, but try seeing it through the eyes of your one year old for the first time. It must be like bumping into the dinosaurs, although some of those pallets are stacked a bit higher than your average Allosaurus.
Upon arriving home we swapped the car for the stroller - from cute ute to mini SUV - and pounded the pavement to get some more bits and bobs. My biggest take home with summer approaching was just how terrible the little man's sunhat is. It would look great on David Attenborough narrating in a long lost jungle, but hip? No. Cool? No. Functional? Maybe. I wouldn't want to wear it either. Actually, I'd prefer the pink bunny suit.
My mission, which I chose to accept, has been to find him a replacement. And I have failed utterly. Sort of like when I tried to buy him sunglasses and ended up with ones that were so terrible even he knew it and cried anytime I put them on.
Thankfully a friend of ours found him a great one for his first birthday, so there aren't too many (soon-to-be-embarassing) photos of him in his urban safari gear. And a quick lesson in there that dad doens't have to accomplish these things all on his own.
I've not yet played that trick at car dealerships, and my car needs new tyres...hmm, think I might try my luck with that one!
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