Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Vacation Prep - Round Two

After a week back at the office, it's time to get away again. Our second (and final) vacation of the summer has us heading up north to Ontario's cottage country for some rest and relaxation chasing of the toddler across boulders, ducking swarms of black flies and preventing unexpected dips in the lake. Instead of four hours in a plane, we will spend a few hours in our car. Although on the plus side there is no ear-popping and no strangers to clamber over, unfortunately the wee man will be strapped in tight with nary a friendly flight attendant in sight. I'm starting to dread this more than the flights. At least there are no baggage limits, weight restrictions or snotty gate agents. And he definitely gets his own seat. How did we drive all the way to Prince Edward Island last summer?

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